Category: Code Snippets

2 Posts

YouTube-DL Batch Script
Wrote a convenient batch script for a friend not comfortable with using YouTube-DL via the command-line interface. Thought it may come in handy for others too. This is convenient even for me because I forget the parameters from time to time too lol. This script is also available on GitHub…
A Little Automation for Physics Class LOL. 一点点物理课上的自动化(笑)
I am honestly too lazy to input hundreds of values into the calculator and calculate every their average & uncertainty, so here's me automating this process. 实在是懒得去把数值一个一个输进计算器里然后计算平均值和偏差值了……所以写了一小段代码来自动化这个过程。 #include <cmath> #include <iostream> #include <vector> using namespace std; int main(){ string val; vector<double> valVctr; cin.ignore(1); do{ getline(cin, val); if(val.size() == 0){ break;…