(点击这里跳转中文) First of all. Yes, guys, I'm still alive. Thank you very much. I know nobody asked. UPDATE: The following Mastodon has been shut down due to server cost reasons. Second of all, I am trying out this new thing called Mastodon, a decentralized social media platform. You can read…
In short, I gave Linus' ROG Rig Reboot a shot. To me, I want to meet Linus in real life more than owning a new PC lol. I've been a fan of him since my early high school. He is also a part of the reason why I chose Computer…
How it all started... One of the classes I'm currently taking requires the setup of the AVR Toolchain on my personal rig. The instruction given by the professor claims that it will only work on "Intel Macs", which got me wondering if it really is the case. Is it possible…
Wrote a convenient batch script for a friend not comfortable with using YouTube-DL via the command-line interface. Thought it may come in handy for others too. This is convenient even for me because I forget the parameters from time to time too lol. This script is also available on GitHub…
I am honestly too lazy to input hundreds of values into the calculator and calculate every their average & uncertainty, so here's me automating this process. 实在是懒得去把数值一个一个输进计算器里然后计算平均值和偏差值了……所以写了一小段代码来自动化这个过程。 #include <cmath> #include <iostream> #include <vector> using namespace std; int main(){ string val; vector<double> valVctr; cin.ignore(1); do{ getline(cin, val); if(val.size() == 0){ break;…
Because my website written in pure HTML was such a pain to look at, I decided to find an open source Wordpress theme from Github and this Argon theme is what I ended up with. I am liking it so far. Well, since I updated the theme, I will be…
给想要模仿的人和未来的自己留一下本次的Linux配置:OS:Manjaro KDE窗口管理器:Kwin(KDE自带)窗口管理器主题:Sweet-Mars-transparent主题:Sweet[Plasma], Breath-Dark[GTK2/3]图标:Papirus-DarkDock:Latte仿macOS菜单小工具安装命令:sudo pacman -S appmenu-gym-module libdbusmenu-glib(注0: 安装Deepin QQ Tim需要在包裹管理器内打开AUR,否则无法找到相应包裹。但也可以安装yay,并通过yay -Sy deepin.com.qq.office来安装)(注1: Linux 中Deepin QQ Tim需要安装cinnamon-settings-daemon,运行/usr/lib/cinnamon-settings-daemon/csd-xsettings,并把这个脚本设为开机运行,否则无法使用)(注2:中文输入法需要通过pacman安装fcitx-googlepinyin,日文输入法需要通过pacman安装fcitx-mozc。之后安装fcitx-im和fcitx-configtool。在home下新建一个.pam_environment文件,并输入 GTK_IM_MODULE DEFAULT=fcitx QT_IM_MODULE DEFAULT=fcitx XMODIFIERS DEFAULT=@im=fcitx 保存后登出重进即可。详见:ArchWiki最后,再安装kcm-fcixt即可用图形界面设置输入法。) 效果图
Maid chan 1.1.0 has been officially released! In this version, we included the following updates:-Ability to react to basic greetings & commands(For example: @xxx hi) -Ability to spam @Reaily#6672 (lol) <br>-Ability to assign roles to a member via command (Beta testing) -Multi-language support between different servers (English and Chinese only…
The site has finally been launnnched! Yay! I've been procrastinating on this project since forever... I bought this domain all the way back in Feburary and was planning to learn some html code during the summer, but completely forgot about it... OOF. So I just patched some random html codes…